did you know?
In Australia, over 16,000 people die prematurely each year due to physical inactivity. Globally physical inactivity is estimated to cause two millions deaths each year.
what do we do
As a society, we have stopped moving. Each generation of Australians is less physically active than the previous one, resulting in a sedentary epidemic. Nearly 70% of Australian adults are either sedentary or have low levels of physical activity, while two thirds of Australian children do not meet the daily Physical Activity Guidelines*. Given that physical activity is shown to decrease with age this does not augur well for our future. Less than a third of children meet the Sedentary Behaviour Guidelines of no more than 2 hours of screenbased entertainment a day
The main factors contributing to the sedentary epidemic are:

Perceptions of unsafe communities and fear of the outdoors

Reduced play space - backyards have shrunk and there is less green space available

Technology reducing our incidental movement

Changes in family structures and word patterns

Passive activities competing for our time

Increased use of cars for transport
We are committed to more than just Giving. Learn how GAF partnered with Bluearth makes an impact.

Almost 2,000 teachers took part in Bluearth professional development sessions

Helped 25,440 students develop physical skills

Worked in indigenous communities in the East Kimberley, Darwin and Alice Springs

Over 100 students on remote stations in the Australian Outback participated in Bluearth via School of the Air

This year we ran a Student Leadership program for nearly 1000 students enabling them to run sessions for younger students and also parents

100% of Principals believed that the Bluearth program improves teachers confidence in delivering physical activity